Monday morning and I went to the doctor to get my blood pressure checked to see if I could leave today. It was moderately high but the doctor gave me permission to leave. Then it started to drizzle so I checked the weather channel. They indicated severe thunderstorms for today for the Chicago area, so I did some checking on line and it appeared that if I left right away, I might pass by Chicago on my way to Springfield, IL before the storms got there. So I got everything packed and headed out. I got about 8 miles out when I noticed my check engine light come on. I stopped to check my oil and other obvious things and everything appeared to be fine. I started the engine and the light was off. So I headed south again but within a few miles the light came on so I turned around and headed home. I called Hot Rod Harley in Muskegon and they said they could check it out at around 4:00 p.m. today. So I loaded it on the trailer and headed down to Muskegon. Assuming that they find and fix the problem, I will try to get my trip started on Tuesday. I hope the rest of the trip goes better than the start.
I just got back from Muskegon. Their diagnostic computer identified the problem with the coil or the plug wires. The guy tested the plug wires and found them to be OK, but noticed that the one wire was not connected securely to the coil. This would account for the engine light coming on and going off intermittently. After a short test ride this evening everything seems to be in good working order so I have everything all repacked and ready for an early start tomorrow morning. I just pray that nothing else happens.
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