Ashville, NC to Fancy Gap, VA
Started at 9:40 a.m. ended at 5:00 p.m.
Total miles = 220
After leaving Asheville, I head back up the BRP. It was a little cool but partly sunny. I decided to try to take some riding pictures with my Sony DVD Camcorder. So I took out my duct tape and taped the cam to my helmet and proceeded to ride the BRP with the cam on. Actually, the videos turned out amazingly good. About 15 miles out of Ashville, I started to climb into the clouds and visibility got pretty bad. The worse it got, the more I began to rely on my GPS to tell me where the turns were. I eventually stopped that the Visitor Center in Craggy Meadow to wait for the clouds to lift. After about a half hour, I was on my way again. By 5:00 p.m. I made it to Fancy Gap, VA, a very small town on the top of the mountain right next to the BRP. I stayed at the Lakeview Motel which was on the south side if the road and right next to the BRP. It had a restaurant at the motel too. The food was great. Motel cost was $34. The cheapest motel I found on the whole trip. Down the mountain from Fancy Gap is the town of Mount Airy, NC. The town made famous by the Andy Griffith TV show, “Mayberry RFD.” I started out to visit this town, but once I got down the mountain, I ran into rain, so I headed back to the motel.
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